Wet Beaver Creek Jan 10

From the Village of Oak Creek Ranger Station
P1264279   WET BEAVER CREEK P1264281   Our strting point at the Wet Beaver Wilderness ranger station P1264282 P1264284   The pictograph rock
P1264285   There is lots of water in the creek today, much rain last week and more expected this week P1264286   There is a long stretch of trail before the first exposed rock P1264287 P1264288
P1264289 P1264290   Reaching the snowline P1264291 P1264292   This is where it starts to get muddy
P1264293 P1264294 P1264295 P1264296   The red rocks close in around us
P1264297 P1264298 P1264300 P1264301
P1264302 P1264304 P1264305   We divert high above the creek to skip the first pool P1264306
P1264307 P1264308   Stopping for a break P1264309 P1264311
P1264312 P1264313 P1264314 P1264315
P1264316 P1264317 P1264318 P1264319
P1264320 P1264322 P1264323 P1264324
P1264325 P1264326   Big Crack, our lunch spot. This is the rim of a deep canyon above another swimming hole. P1264328 P1264329
P1264330 P1264331 P1264332 P1264333
P1264336 P1264337 P1264338 P1264339
P1264340 P1264341 P1264342   Someone left this cooler behind. We decide to pack it out. P1264343
P1264344   Starting back... P1264345 P1264346 P1264347
P1264348 P1264349 P1264351 P1264352
P1264353 P1264354 P1264355 P1264356